Wealden District Council
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Authority Monitoring Report

Authority Monitoring Report and Housing Land Supply

The Authority Monitoring Report (AMR) contains information on the implementation of the Council’s Local Development Scheme and the extent to which planning policies set out in the Council’s adopted Local Plan are being achieved. This enables the effects of a policy to be monitored transparently and will provide details as to when policies are not working as intended. The AMR also contains information on the progress of Neighbourhood Plans within the District and its joint working with other statutory bodies through the duty to cooperate process. This annual report covers the period from 1 April to 31 March each year and is required through national planning regulations.

The AMR has been published since the adoption of the Council’s Core Strategy Local Plan (February 2013) and are available below:

Current Authority Monitoring Report

Current Housing Land Supply Position

This Housing Land Supply (HLS) position statement summarises the main outcomes of housing provision within Wealden District and provides the current position in relation to our housing requirement and land supply, including our housing land supply position as of 1 April 2024 under the current National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) (December 2023).

The Government published a new NPPF for consultation in July 2024 that proposes to remove paragraph 226 of the NPPF that allowed for some local planning authorities to demonstrate only a four-year housing land supply position (in certain circumstances) when an emerging Local Plan had been published. This would re-establish the requirement for all local planning authorities, regardless of local plan status, to continually demonstrate a five-year housing land supply position. The new NPPF is only emerging policy at this stage, but the Council will update this HLS statement when the new NPPF is published, which is expected at the end of 2024.

The Council held a short, targeted consultation between 7 and 27 August 2024 to primarily consider the proposed delivery rates and timescales for housing sites with planning permission at Appendices 1 to 4. A summary of the consultation comments and the Council’s responses to them are provided at Appendix 5. The final HLS statement is provided below: