The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) came into force in April 2010. It allows local authorities in England and Wales to raise funds from developers undertaking new building projects in their area. The money can be used to fund a wide range of infrastructure that is need as a result of development. Wealden District Council, as a Charging Authority, is required to produce a CIL Charging Schedule which sets out the rates of CIL to be charged on development within the District. Further general reading on CIL can be found at Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 .
Following examination from an independent Planning Inspector, the Council’s CIL Charging Schedule was adopted at Full Council on Tuesday 25 November 2015. The CIL Charging Schedule became effective on 1 April 2016. The Council’s Adoption Statement, Adopted CIL Charging Schedule and the Inspector’s Final Report can all be viewed and downloaded below.
For information on collecting CIL payments, please visit the Development Management Community Infrastructure Levy webpage .
- Adoption Statement – November 2015
- Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule – Adopted November 2015
- CIL Regulation 123 List – Adopted November 2015
- Report on the Examination of the Draft Wealden Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule – 21 August 2015
Further information relating to CIL to can be viewed below.